============= CoCoNut DSL ============= The DSL used by CoCoNut is case-insensitive for names and other attributes. This means that there is no distinction between a node names *Num* and a node named *NUM*. This is the case, because CoCoNut uses several different representations for code generation, one of those is the fully capitalized version of a name. Nonetheless, there is a distinction between keywords and names. Names can not collide with CoCoNut keywords, see :doc:`reserved`, or C keywords. As a result, you can not name a node *float*, but you can name a node *Float*. As a result, it is a convention to start your node names capitalized. The CoCoNut compiler gives an error if you have two names that are equal in their uppercase form. The DSL is defined in two categories: Types and Actions. Types make up your Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and actions make up the structure of your compiler. ------ Types ------ There are five different kind of types: enums, nodes, nodesets, primitive types and user types. Nodes, enums, and nodesets can be defined by you, the compiler writer, as part of your compiler; :doc:`primitive_types` are types provided by CoCoNut; and user types will be discussed later. Enum ================ An enum in the DSL maps to an enum in C and can be used to add extra type information to a node. Enums require a unique prefix to prevent collisions in the generated code. A unique prefix can not collide with the prefix of another enum or a CoCoNut reserved prefix. (Link to reserved prefix). An enum exists out of a set of values, which are defined in the values block. These values map to the values in the C enum and the order used is kept. Every value will be prefixed with the prefix and to every enum a *NULL* value will be added. The *NULL* value becomes the first entry in the enum. Lastly, an enum has a name, which corresponds to the name in the generated C enum. An enum is defined as follows: .. code-block:: text enum { prefix = , values { , ..., } }; An example enum definition looks as follows: .. code-block:: text enum binop { prefix = BO, values { add, sub, mul, div, rem } }; Node =============== A node consists out of children, attributes, equations and node lifetimes. Children link to other nodes, which provides tree building. Attributes are information stored in the node, every attribute has a type and a name, which becomes a field in the C struct of the node. Equations store attribute dependencies that need to be specified when using attribute grammars. Node lifetimes enable the specification of stages in the compiler where the node is disallowed. In every 'program' there must be one *root* node present. The *root* node will be the root in your AST and the starting point of most of your actions. .. code-block:: text [root] node { [children { , ..., },] [attributes { , ..., },] [equations { , ..., },] [lifetime { , ..., }] }; | Children and attributes, for a node, are defined in the following way, respectively: | :: [ { [constructor], [] } ] | :: [ { [constructor], [inherited], [synthesized], [ [#]_] } ] The type for children can be a defined node or a defined nodeset. The attribute types can be a defined enum, a defined node, a defined nodeset, or a :doc:`primitive_types`. The constructor specifier denotes that a child or attribute should be placed inside the node constructor. *cocogen* generates a constructor for every node and the order of the arguments to this constructor are children then attributes, but only if they have the 'constructor' specification. An example node, without lifetimes, is as follows: .. code-block:: text root node BinOp { children { Expr left { constructor }, Expr right { constructor } }, attributes { BinOpEnum op { constructor } } }; This will result in the constructor: ASTbinop(left, right, op); .. [#] Lifetimes for attributes are only possible for string attributes or node/nodeset attributes. Lifetimes ========== Lifetimes allow you to describe the lifetime of a node or a child. When a lifetime is violated, the AST is incosistent and CoCoNut will error. Lifetimes are described in the following way: .. code-block:: text :: , where the lifetime range is: .. code-block:: text [ID.][ID] -> [ID.][ID] , with the start range bracket being: '(' or '[' and the end range bracket being: ')' or ']'. The brackets denote the mathematical range, so '(' is exclusive and '[' is inclusive. The IDs are references to actions, which can be specified with namespaces using the '.'. If no ID is specified it means either the beginning or the end of the compilation. For example, if a node is disallowed for the whole compilation, it can be described in the following way: disallowed (->) However, to make this shorter, it is also possible to omit the range and just specify 'disallowed'. The lifetime specifier depends on the context it is used in. In the node, the lifetime specifier can be 'disallowed' or 'allowed'. Disallowed means that the node is disallowed in the specified range. So if the node is present in the AST during the range, the AST is inconsistent and CoCoNut will crash with an appropriate error. If the lifetime is 'allowed' the node is disallowed outside the given range. For example, if we have the following actions A -> B -> C -> D -> E and a node is disallowed from A->B and D->E, we can use allow to specify this by stating *allowed (B -> C]* In children, the lifetime specifier can be 'disallowed' or 'allowed', but also 'mandatory' or 'optional'. Mandatory means that the child must be present in the node, if not, the AST is inconsistent. Optional means that outside the given range the child is mandatory. So, we can rewrite the previous node definition with lifetimes as follows: .. code-block:: text root node BinOp { children { Expr left { constructor, mandatory}, Expr right { constructor, mandatory} }, attributes { BinOpEnum op { constructor } }, lifetime { disallowed (Stage1.TBO -> Stage3.OPT] } }; We state that the two children are mandatory in the BinOp node throughout the whole compilation. So if CoCoNut finds a BinOp node where a child is equal to NULL, the AST is inconsistent. Also, the node itself is disallowed after the 'TBO' action, located in the 'Stage1' phase and up to and including the 'OPT' action in the 'Stage3' phase. The 'TBO' and 'OPT' values are unique ids and not full names. This is especially useful when you want to target an action that is a couple of levels deep. When no specific location is specified using the '.' operator, the first encounter of the action is used. Therefore, in the example, if we had 'OPT' instead of 'Stage3.OPT' and 'Stage2' also has an 'OTP' then the 'OTP' from 'Stage2' would be seen as the end of the lifetime because it is the first encounter. If only one 'OPT' is present, the need for something like 'Stage3' is not required but is still allowed. Equations ========== Equations, or evaluation rules, allow you to specify attribute dependencies. Each synthesized attribute part of the current node, and each inherited attribute part of the children node(set)s, need a corresponding dependency specification. Equations are described as follows: .. code-block:: text :: . = [ { args = [ { , ..., } ] } ] , where the dependency is in the form: .. code-block:: text . The node specifier can either by the name of a child node(set), or `this` to access attributes part of the current node. You can create dependencies on any synthesized, inherited, or classic attribute that is part of the current node, or any of the children node(sets). We can rewrite the previous node definition with a synthesized attribute to calculate the sum of a BinOp: .. code-block:: text node Expr { attributes { int value { constructor } } }; root node BinOp { children { Expr left { constructor, mandatory}, Expr right { constructor, mandatory} }, attributes { BinOpEnum op { constructor }, int sum { synthesized } }, equation { this.sum = {args = {left.value, right.value}} } }; We have now specified that the sum of BinOp depends on the value of the left and right expression.\ [#]_ For more information on attribute grammars, see :ref:`attribute_grammar`. .. [#] Note that the definition of Expr has been heavily simplified for the example. Nodeset ================== Some nodes might have children that can be of multiple types. To enable this, a nodeset can be created. The node then gets the nodeset as a child and all the types in the nodeset can be used as a child. A nodeset requires a name and a set of nodes. The nodes specifier in a nodeset uses a set expression, providing the option to compose nodesets to build a new nodeset. Nodesets can also have associated attributes. These attributes will be propagated to all the member nodes and nodesets. Do note that attributes declared in nodesets can not use the constructor specifier, instead attributes may be repeated in the node declaration with the same signature to add the constructor specifier. .. code-block:: text nodeset { nodes = [, attributes { , ..., } ] }; It is also possible to use a short notation for nodesets. The short notation does not support nodeset attributes. :: nodeset = ; A set expression is given by a combination of set operations, inline set definitions and references to defined nodesets. The following set operations are supported: :: | Set union & Set intersect - Set difference Combining the set operations with inline definitions and references, we can define a simple Expr nodeset as follows: :: nodeset Expr = {Var, Cast} | Constant; While in the longer form it looks as follows: :: nodeset Expr { nodes = {Var, Cast} | Constant }; The {Var, Cast} statement is an inline set definition and the *Constant* is a reference to another defined nodeset. So, when an identifier is not enclosed with {}, it is seen as a reference to another nodeset. It is also possible to use () to group set expressions and define the evaluation order. Nodesets using the `&` set intersect, and `-` set difference operators can not use nodeset attributes. Only the `|` set union operator is supported. ------- Actions ------- Actions determine the structure of your compiler. There are three types of actions: passes, traversals and phases. Pass =============== Passes are the simplest form of an action that can be defined. A pass is simply a function that gets called. A pass needs a name and a function name. The function name will map to the function name generated in the C code. It is possible to define information in the info field and a unique identifier to be used in lifetimes. .. code-block:: text pass { [info = ,] [uid = ,] func = }; An example of a pass looks as follows: :: pass ScanParse { info = "Scan and parse the source files and construct the AST.", uid = SP, func = doScanParse }; It is also possible to define a pass using a shorter notation. With the shorter notation the generated C function is the name of the pass. .. code-block:: text pass ; In C you need to define the pass yourself. A pass accept the specified root node and should return a node of the same type. Traversal ==================== A traversal is an action that traverses the tree and performs operations on some or all nodes in the tree. As a result, a traversal can be used to change the AST in a structured manner. A traversal has a name, a unique id, the nodes to traverse, and an optional info string and traversal data. The nodes are in the form of a set expression and can use defined nodesets. .. code-block:: text traversal { [info = ,] uid = , [nodes = ,] [travdata { [[user] ,] }] }; An example of a traversal is as follows: .. code-block:: text traversal RenameFor { uid = RFOR, nodes = {For, VarLet, Var}, travdata { int changes_made } }; Some traversals need to traverse all nodes, in such cases, the *nodes* block can be left out. If the previous traversal targets all nodes, it can be defined as follows: .. code-block:: text traversal RenameFor { uid = RFOR }; The meta compiler will generate a function declaration for every node the traversal targets. You need to provide a definition for the generated functions. Traversal Data ============== Some traversals need to pass around data between functions inside the traversal. To make this convenient, CoCoNut provides the option to denote traversal data in a traversal. The traversal data body is similar to that of attributes, with the extension of user types. User types are signalled with the 'user' keyword and requires the file "user_types.h" to be on the include path of your compiler. CoCoNut automatically creates and destroys the structure of the traversal data. However, CoCoNut does not assume ownership of the members, therefore, you are required to malloc/free them yourself. Phase ================ Phases are used to group actions together and determine the flow of actions in your compiler. Phases contain an actions body, which contains a list of action statements. Action can be passes, traversals or other phases. Besides actions, phases can also define a gate function. If the gate function is defined it will be called before the phase is started. If the gate function returns *false*, the phase is skipped. .. code-block:: text phase { [info = ,] [uid = ,] [gate [= ],] actions { ; ... } }; An example phase is as follows: .. code-block:: text phase ConstantFolding { uid = CF, gate = isConstantFoldingEnabled, actions { constantFoldOperators; } }; Cycles ======== In some cases, actions in a phase need to be repeated until a fixed point is reached. A fixed point is a point where performing the actions does not alter the AST in any way. So action(AST) == AST. For these cases, cycles can be used. Cycles are phases except the actions are repeated until a fixed point is reached or the maximum number of cycles is reached. A cycle is defined as follows: .. code-block:: text cycle { [info = ,] [uid = ,] actions { ; } }; Fixed-point detection ---------------------- The cycles use fixed-point detection to stop a cycle. Fixed point detection is done by calling the 'CCNcycleNotify()' function. This function notifies the phase driver that a change is made and a fixed point is not reached. So, the programmer is responsible for signalling a change. However, in some cases, one change leads to a new one, which leads back to the original change, and so on. This way you have an ongoing effect and a fixed-point is never reached. Therefore, a maximum cycle can be specified to prevent this from getting out of control. Combining primitives ==================== Now it is possible to define the common structure of your compiler using the defined primitives. A valid CoCoNut program is a combination of these primitives, with 1 root node, 1 start phase and all top-level primitives are ended by a ';'. There is no scope or namespace in CoCoNut and it is not required to define something before referencing it.