
Copra is the fixed part of the CoCoNut framework and depends on the generated code. It provides functions to interact with the CoCoNut runtime.



enum pd_verbosity


enumerator PD_V_QUIET
enumerator PD_V_SMALL
enumerator PD_V_MEDIUM
enumerator PD_V_HIGH


void CCNrun(node_st *node)
void CCNcycleNotify()

Notify CoCoNut that a fixed point is not reached in current cycle.

size_t CCNgetCurrentActionId()
void CCNerrorPhase()

Signal an phase error. As a result, CoCoNut will call CTIabortCompilation at the end of the phase this error was signalled in.

void CCNerrorAction()

Signal an action error. CoCoNut will call CTIabortCompilation after the action this error was signalled in.

void CCNsetBreakpoint(char *breakpoint)

Set a breakpoint at which CoCoNut will stop and call the handler: BreakpointHandler.


breakpoint – The breakpoint in format: <phase>.<phase>.<action>

void CCNsetBreakpointWithID(size_t id)
void CCNsetCycles(size_t cycle_count)

Set the maximum number of cycles for a cycle. Can be changed at runtime.


cycle_count – the maximum number of cycles.

void CCNsetVerbosity(enum pd_verbosity type)

Set the verbosity level of CoCoNut.


type – the type of verbosity.

void CCNsetTreeCheck(bool enable)

Enable or disable consistency checking your tree.


enable – when true, consistency checking is performed.

void CCNshowTree()

Gives a structured representation of your compiler structure.



typedef struct ccn_trav ccn_trav_st


struct ccn_node *TRAVerror(struct ccn_node *arg_node)
struct ccn_node *PASSerror(struct ccn_node *arg_node)
struct ccn_node *TRAVopt(struct ccn_node *arg_node)

Optional traverse function. Adds a null check to signify optional child nodes

struct ccn_node *TRAVstart(struct ccn_node *syntaxtree, enum ccn_traversal_type trav_type)
struct ccn_node *PASSstart(struct ccn_node *syntaxtree, enum ccn_pass_type trav_type)
struct ccn_node *TRAVdo(struct ccn_node *arg_node)

Traverse the supplied node. This function requires that arg_node != NULL

void TRAVpush(enum ccn_traversal_type trav_type)
void TRAVpop()
struct ccn_node *TRAVchildren(struct ccn_node *arg_node)

Helper function that traverses all children in a node. This function assigns the result of the traversals to it respective child. The order is determined by the order in the specification file.

struct ccn_node *TRAVnop(struct ccn_node *arg_node)
void TRAVdataNOP(ccn_trav_st*)
ccn_trav_st *TRAVgetCurrent(void)
struct ccn_node *CCNcopy(struct ccn_node *arg_node)

Makes a deep copy of the given node.

struct ccn_node *CCNfree(struct ccn_node *arg_node)

Free a node, all its children, and allocated attributes.

struct ccn_trav

Public Members

struct ccn_trav *prev
enum ccn_traversal_type trav_type
union TRAV_DATA trav_data